Consultations on missile defence at NATO HQ

The North Atlantic Council and the NATO-Russia Council respectively, discussed on 17 October missile defence issues. The sessions were a continuation of consultation meetings held at NATO HQ last year, as well as in February and April 2007.


NATO-Russia Council meets with Kosovo Troika

The NATO-Russia Council met on 15 October with the members of the EU-US-Russia Troika for a discussion on the current efforts to achieve an agreement between the Kosovo Albanian leadership and Serbia.


NATO and partners hold exercises in Albania

Over 1 100 troops from NATO countries and countries cooperating with the Alliance, - including Israel, Japan and the United Arab Emirates - will practice conducting joint multinational operations in two exercises in Albania, 7-30 October.


The North Atlantic Council visits the United States

The North Atlantic Council (NAC), led by the Secretary General, paid a visit to Washington, where the Ambassadors of the 26 NATO countries met with high ranking officials of the U.S. Administration.


Equipping and training Afghan army key to stability, says NATO commander

NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, US Army General Bantz J. Craddock, highlighted the key elements necessary for stability in Afghanistan in a briefing at the Pentagon on 10 October.


World Standards Day 2007

The NATO Standardization Agency joins the international standardization community in celebrating the World Standards Day. Joint standards make a key contribution to combined operational effectiveness of the Alliance’s multinational forces.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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