7 November/novembre 2007







NATO Secretary General to visit Finland



The Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, will visit Helsinki on  Thursday 8 November 2007.


During his visit, the Secretary General will meet with the President, Mrs. Tarja Halonen, the Prime Minister, Mr. Matti Vanhanen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. llkka Kanerva, the Minister of Defence, Mr. Jyri Häkämies and the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Seppo Kääriäinen.


The Secretary General will also speak at a seminar on “NATO today and tomorrow”, organised by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs.


Media Advisory


13.55              The Secretary General and the Minister of Foreign Affairs meet the press.  Government Banquet Hall.


The programme of the visit is subject to change.  For further information, please contact the NATO Press and Media Service at tel:  +32 2 707 50 41, fax +32 2 707 50 57.





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