NATO Member and Partner Chiefs of Defence conclude meetings

BRUSSELS – Top military officers of NATO nations today concluded two days of discussions and exchanges at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of military-related issues. This is the third of three annual meetings at Chiefs of Staff level.


NATO’s Transformation Command changes hands

US Marine Corps General James Mattis became NATO’s third Supreme Allied Commander Transformation during a ceremony held aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington on 9 November. He took over command from US Air Force General Lance Smith.


Statement by the Secretary General on the situation in Georgia

NATO is following closely and with concern events in Georgia. I have asked NATO's Special Representative for the Caucasus, Ambassador Robert Simmons, to express to the Georgian Foreign Minister the Alliance's view that all parties must exercise restraint, avoid violence and act within the law.


South East Europe recognized as a contributor to security

On 12 November, Ambassadors of the South East Europe Security Cooperation Steering Group (SEEGROUP) endorsed a document in which South East Europe is recognized as a “contributor to security and stability”.


Afghan Parliamentarians visit NATO Headquarters

On 12 November 2007, a group of representatives of the Lower and Upper Houses of the Afghan National Assembly visited NATO Headquarters. Among other themes, participants addressed renewing efforts to reinforce the link existing amongst security, good governance, the rule of law, reconstruction and economic development.


Seven villages in Afghanistan get access to fresh water

Thanks to the cooperation of the Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team Pol-e Khumri and ISAF Regional Command North, the population of seven villages in Dahana Ghori District, Baghlan province, now has access to pure drinking water.


NATO Virtual Silk Highway in Afghanistan

Through high-speed Internet access via the NATO Virtual Silk Highway Project, the Kabul academic community can now make use of the latest tools and technologies to provide young Afghan men and women with a better standard of education, and ultimately a better future.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.
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