Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the elections in Kosovo

I welcome the calm and peaceful conduct of this weekend’s elections in Kosovo and the assessment of the Council of Europe observers that the voting was in compliance with international standards.


New emergency medical facility opens in eastern Afghanistan

Service members of the NATO-led Ghazni Provincial Reconstruction Team, cooperating with Afghan government officials and NGO workers, officially opened the new Ghazni Provincial Hospital emergency facility. The project not only expands emergency care, but also allows for the hospital to provide full-spectrum health care, such as pregnancy and birth services.


NATO envoy visits Uzbekistan

The Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, Robert F. Simmons, paid a working visit to Uzbekistan on 12 November.


Academics from the United Arab Emirates visit NATO Headquarters

On 13 November 2007 senior academics from the United Arab Emirates University met for discussions with NATO officials. The visit was organized by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, in the context of public diplomacy activities for the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative.


Members of the Arab Media Forum visit NATO Headquarters

On 19-20 November the NATO Public Diplomacy Division organised a two-day meeting at NATO Headquarters for the editors-in-chief and senior journalists from countries taking part in the Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, as well as, Oman and Saudi Arabia.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.
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