Quote on Georgian elections by NATO Spokesman

“We welcome the initial evaluation of the conduct of presidential elections in Georgia, which indicated that this was a viable expression of the free choice of the Georgian people. This was an important step in Georgia’s democratic development, though all irregularities identified by international observers should be addressed before parliamentary elections in spring. NATO will continue to deepen its Intensified Dialogue with Georgia, and support further efforts to meet Euro-Atlantic standards.”

James Appathurai, NATO Spokesman


SCOPE: NATO launches new online video magazine

Check out SCOPE, NATO's new video magazine. This edition highlights the Alliance's operation in Afghanistan.


Defence statistics published

How is defence expenditure evolving throughout NATO compared to economic output? How has the distribution of spending been changing over time?


Bagram PRT opens school, clinic in Mahmood Raqi

Afghan children sing during the grand-opening ceremony.

Kapisa Provincial Government representatives and members from the Bagram Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) recently opened a school and health clinic in Mahmood Raqi District, Kapisa Province.


General McNeill briefs the press on Afghanistan

General Dan K. McNeill (Commander ISAF) briefed the Afghan and international media on the current situation in Afghanistan on 3 January 2008, highlighting several improvements in the country. “There are more Afghan children in school than ever in the history of the country,” he said. “There are more roads constructed and reconstructed than the history of the country has known.” He also mentioned significant growth in the Afghan economy and gains in health care.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.
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