29 January 2008
Afghanistan, Kosovo, missile defense and relations with Russia were the order of the day when the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Defence and Security Committee met with U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and his top staff on January 28, 2008 at the Pentagon.  The Committee Delegation included parliamentarians from 17 different NATO member states, including seven members of the U.S. Congress.
The Delegation’s frank and positive exchange with Secretary Gates was part of the Defence and Security Committee’s annual visit to the United States, intended to ensure NATO member state parliamentarians are familiar with the latest thinking of the highest-level security and foreign policy officials of the U.S. government.  It also provides opportunity for dialogue with members of Congress who represent the United States within the Assembly.
As part of the annual visit, committee members also visit the U.S.Department of State, as well as a military installation ­ this year McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis, in Washington State.  The Committee
will also meet a number of non-governmental policy experts.
The Committee was also invited to watch a simultaneous broadcast of President Bush’s 2008 State of the Union Address within the Capitol building.

Roberta Calorio
Rose-Roth Seminar Co-ordinator. Press and Media Relations Office
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
International Secretariat
Place du Petit Sablon 3
B - 1000 Brussels

' +32 2 504 8154 (Direct Line)
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* rcalorio@nato-pa.int

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