Alliance speeds up preparations for Bucharest summit

NATO Defence Ministers discussed in Vilnius on 8 February, how the Alliance can make progress between now and the Bucharest Summit in a number of areas important to ensuring security in the 21st century.


NATO and Russia explore ways to deepen cooperation

The NATO-Russia Council (NRC) discussed on 8 February in an informal session bilateral defence and military cooperation, as well as a number of relevant political issues such as Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE), missile defence and NATO‘s open door policy, where Allies and Russia do not see eye to eye.


Defence Ministers discuss key challenges in Afghanistan and Kosovo

NATO defence ministers met in Vilnius on 7 February to take a long term look at the Alliance's key challenges in Afghanistan and to reaffirm their solid commitment to maintain KFOR’s presence in Kosovo.


Art and public debate in Vilnius

On the margins of the NATO Defence Ministers meeting in Vilnius Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer opened on 7th of February an art exhibition.


Estonian President visits NATO

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves came to NATO Headquarters on 4 February. He met with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and with the North Atlantic Council.


NATO Secretary General meets with French President in Paris

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer met for the first time in Paris with French President Nicolas Sarkozy on 1 February.


Romanian President and NATO Chief unveil summit logo

Romanian President Traian Basescu visited NATO Headquarters on Thursday 31 January. He met with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer for bilateral talks to discuss the main topics in preparation for the upcoming Bucharest summit.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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