NATO Foreign Ministers meet to prepare Bucharest Summit agenda

NATO Foreign Ministers are meeting at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 6 March 2008 to address key political and operational topics on the agenda of the upcoming Bucharest Summit, to be held on 2-4 April.


Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the election of Dmitriy Medvedev as Russian President

Following the presidential elections held last Sunday in Russia, I have sent a letter of  congratulations to the President-elect, Mr. Dmitriy Medvedev.


NATO Secretary General meets with US President Bush in Washington

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer met with US President George W. Bush in Washington on 29 February.


NATO Public Diplomacy chief visits the United States

NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Jean-François Bureau, delivered the keynote address at the Model NATO conference hosted by Ohio’s Kent State University and Howard University in Washington, D.C., on 21 February 2008, and also introduced a roundtable discussion hosted by the European Institute in Georgetown on 19 February.


Slovenia hosts photo exhibition on NATOÂ’s Afghan mission

Burkas, soldiersÂ’ uniforms and souvenirs went on display as part of a new exhibition to raise awareness of Slovenia's participation in NATO's ISAF mission in Afghanistan, which opened on the 31st of January in Maribor, Slovenia.


Romania holds conference on NATOÂ’s mission in Afghanistan

The Euro-Atlantic Romania Council (CEAR) together with Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) held a conference and public debate on Afghanistan on 25-26 February in Iasi, Romania.


NATO Public Diplomacy seminar at Ben-Gurion University in Israel

The NATO Public Diplomacy Division and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev co-organised on 5 March 2088 in Beer Sheva, a seminar on “NATO in the 21st Century and the Mediterranean Dialogue”.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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