Bucharest Summit takes NATO agenda forward

Allied leaders spent the first formal day of the Summit in Bucharest discussing key issues on NATO’s political and security agenda. A Summit Communiqué was issued at the end of this first day.


ISAF nations affirm long-term commitment to Afghanistan

ISAF nations welcomed the meeting with Afghan President Karzai, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, EU Commission President Barroso, EU High Representative Solana, World Bank Managing Director Ms Okonjo-Iweala, and JapanÂ’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sasae.


NATO decision on open-door policy

The Heads of State and Government of the NATO member countries met today to enlarge the Alliance and further strengthen their ability to confront the existing and emerging 21st century security threats.


NATO-Russia Council meeting concludes the Bucharest Summit

The last event of NATOÂ’s historic summit in Bucharest session was a session of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) held at the level of the Heads of State and Government. For the second time since the establishment of the NRC at the Rome Summit in 2002, President Vladimir Putin met with his Allied counterparts.


NATO-Ukraine Commission discusses a new phase of relations

The NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) session opened the last day of the Bucharest Summit. At the fourth NUC Summit in history, Allied leaders met with President Viktor Yushchenko to discuss the current state of relations and chart the way forward in a distinctive partnership.


Malta re-engages in the Partnership for Peace Programme

At the Bucharest Summit, NATO Heads of State and Government welcomed MaltaÂ’s return to the Partnership for Peace Programme. At Malta's request, the Allies have re-activated Malta's participation in the Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP).


Allied leaders honour NATO troops

At the opening of the North Atlantic Council Summit meeting in Bucharest, NATO Heads of State and Government paid tribute to the more than sixty thousand men and women from Allied and other nations who are involved in NATOÂ’s missions and operations.


Hello Kabul, this is Bucharest calling!

Virtual Silk Highway - NATO Science Program - Satellite Dish

A new video teleconferencing (VTC) facility, made possible via the NATO Virtual Silk Highway project, connected students at the Young Atlanticist Summit in Bucharest on 2 and 3 April with their counterparts in Kabul University.


NATO to launch new TV channel at summit

During the Bucharest Summit on 2-4 April, NATO will launch a new web-based television channel, meant to improve understanding of the Alliance roles, operation and missions.

The new TV channel is the result of close cooperation between the NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the Danish Government to improve the way the Alliance communicates its work and image to the general public.


NATO-Ukraine Annual Target Plan 2008

Following the approval by the NATO-Ukraine Commission and the subsequent signature of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, this year's NATO-Ukraine Annual Target Plan is now available on NATO and Ukrainian official web-sites.


Bahrain chief of public security visits NATO HQ

On 10-12 March 2008 BahrainÂ’s Chief of Public Security, Major General Abdul Latif Al-Zayani, visited NATO HQ to hold talks with senior officials from the Alliance.


NAC Statement on CFE

NATO Allies remain firmly committed to the CFE Treaty and wish to achieve the earliest possible entry into force of the Agreement on Adaptation.


Czech students take part in Model NATO

Over 450 Czech high-school students gathered for the Prague Student Summit, from 28 to 30 March, to take part in parallel Model NATO, Model EU and Model UN educational events.



"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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