PR/CP (2008)053
10 February 2008


CMX 2008

FROM 16 TO 22 APRIL 2008


NATO will conduct its annual Crisis Management Exercise (CMX) 16-22 April 2008.  The exercise is designed to practice Alliance crisis management procedures at the strategic political level and will involve civilian and military staffs in national capitals, at NATO Headquarters, and in both Strategic Commands.  Unlike a live exercise, however, no forces are actually deployed for the purpose of these exercises.


The scenario for the exercise is fictitious.  The portrayed crisis will focus on a progressively deteriorating security situation beyond the Euro-Atlantic area, featuring an ongoing multi-national peacekeeping operation, a humanitarian crisis, terrorism, and threats by one nation against a neighbour.


Sponsored by NATO’s Secretary General, CMX 2008 is jointly run by the International Staff, the International Military Staff and the two NATO Strategic Commands, Allied Command Operations and Allied Command Transformation.  This is NATO’s fifteenth CMX.


All 26 NATO Allies have been involved in planning CMX 2008.   NATO partner nations have joined the planning process for CMX 2008 and will also participate in the exercise, including Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Finland, Georgia, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, and Ukraine.  For the first time, NATO Mediterranean Dialogue partners Israel and Morocco will also participate.  Also for the first time, the NATO Liaison Officer at United Nations Headquarters in New York will participate in the CMX.


For further information, please contact the NATO Press and Media Service in Brussels.  Tel. +32 2 707 50 41; Fax: +32 27 07 50 57.

* Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.


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