Stabilising Afghanistan:


Developing Security and Securing Development








17 April 2008


CEPS Conference Room
1, place du Congrès
1000 Brussels






                                                                                    14 April 2008








12:30-13:15         Sandwich lunch hosted by the NATO PA / DCAF


13:15                    Welcome / Introduction     


José Lello, President of the NATO PA

Simon Lunn, Senior Fellow, DCAF, and Associate Fellow, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)


Keynote Address


13:30-14:15         Ali Ahmad Jalali, Distinguished Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University; former Interior Minister of Afghanistan


                             Challenges to Stability in Afghanistan and Key Responses: Security Sector Development and the Rule of Law


Followed by Q&A


Security CHALLENGES: Ongoing Operations and DEfence & Security

Sector reform


14:15-15:45         Moderator: Simon Lunn, Senior Fellow, DCAF, Associate Fellow, GCSP

Security Situation in Afghanistan and International Security Stabilisation Efforts: An Overall Assessment

Nicholas Grono, Deputy President, International Crisis Group (ICG)


NATO's Stabilisation Strategy

Gordon Brett, Head, Operations Section, NATO


The EU Contribution: The ESDP Police Mission in Afghanistan, EUPOL AFGHANISTAN

Jean-Baptiste Valmary, EU Council Secretariat


The Missing Dimension: the Border Issue and the Role of Pakistan

Anatol Lieven, KingÂ’s College 


15:45-16:00         Coffee break


Development challenges: Drugs, Rule of Law, GOVERNANCE


16:00-17:30         Moderator: David Hobbs, Secretary General, NATO PA

The Challenges of Establishing the Rule of Law in Afghanistan

Sari Kouvo, Senior Program Fellow on Afghanistan - International Centre for Transitional Justice, Research Fellow - NATO Defence College


The Drugs Challenge

Philippa Rogers, Deputy Head of the Afghan Drugs Inter-Departmental Unit (ADIDU), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK


Reconstruction and Development: the European Commission's Contribution

Bettina Muscheidt, EU Commission, RELEX, Desk Afghanistan


Concluding remarks: Hugh Bayley, General Rapporteur, Economics and Security Committee, NATO PA


17:30                    End of meetings

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