27 April/avril 2008



PR/CP(2008) 059



Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the Taliban attack in Kabul



On behalf of NATO, I condemn in the strongest terms the Taliban attack in Kabul this morning.


The Taliban has demonstrated once again that they will use the most extreme violence to oppose Afghanistan's freedom and democratic development.


I am very pleased that President Karzai has escaped unhurt and I express my condoleances to the families of any who have lost their lives and my deep sympathies to those who have been injured, possibly including some Members of Parliament.


NATO will continue to support the Afghan Government and people in defending their security and their democracy.  



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Nouvelles et informations sont régulièrement affichées sur le site Web de l'OTAN, sous la forme de fichiers audio, de transcriptions et de photographies destinées à la publication. Elles sont disponibles le plus rapidement possible après les événements présentant un intérêt pour les médias. Cliquer sur "Quoi de neuf?"


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