NATO consultations with Georgia

Mr. David Bakradze, the Special Envoy of Georgia, visited NATO HQ today. Following a bilateral meeting with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Mr. Bakradze held discussions with the North Atlantic Council (NAC) as part of the intensive political dialogue established in the decisions of the recent NATO Bucharest summit.


Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the Taliban attack in Kabul

On behalf of NATO, I condemn in the strongest terms the Taliban attack in Kabul.


Armament Directors advance key NATO capabilities initiatives

Armament Directors from the 26 NATO member countries moved forward on three key NATO capabilities initiatives: Alliance Ground Surveillance, Missile Defence and the Defence Against Terrorism Programme of Work at the biannual Conference of National Armament Directors (CNAD) held at NATO HQ on 24 April 2008.


NATO conducts accession talks with Albania and Croatia

The two countries have now formally begun accession talks to join the Alliance, as they were invited to during the Bucharest Summit earlier this month. This is the first of five main steps on the road to full NATO membership.


ISAF forces launch operation in southern Afghanistan

On 28 April, ISAF Marines and the British forces of Task Force Helmand launched an operation aimed at enhancing security in a district of the southern Helmand province.


NATO’s first multimedia exhibition moves to Brussels

NATO’s first ever multimedia display uses a mix of interactive, video, photographic and print media to provide a broad overview of the Alliance and its continuous transformation to adjust to new security challenges.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

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