PR/CP (2008)066
23 May 2008

International Conference on small arms and light weapons



On May 28-30, 2008, NATO will host the “Synergy Conference for Regional Organizations on the Implementation of the UN Programme of Action” at its Headquarters in Brussels.  Co-sponsored by the OSCE and supported by the UN, the conference is held to facilitate debate on the global threat posed by the proliferation, illicit trade and use of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) The overall goal of international community is to  generate a harmonized response to the threat within the UN framework. 


Experts from regional, international and non-govermental organizations will meet to exchange views on how to further cooperation and promote best practices between regional organizations on implemeting the UN Programme of Action (PoA) . The event is taking place in the run-up to and in support of the Biannual Meeting of States on the UN PoA to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in SALW scheduled to take place on July 14-18, in New York.


For further information, please contact  Mr. Michael Miggins, Head, Arms Control and Coordination Section, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO Headquarters, Tel. + 32 2 707 58 06.

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