2 June/juin 2008



PR/CP(2008) 075



NATO Secretary General Statement on elections
in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia



The NATO Secretary General is deeply concerned by the OSCE Observer Mission's preliminary conclusions that the 1 June elections in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia did not meet key international standards. 


The Mission assessed that, despite many positive elements, election day was marred by violent incidents, intimindation and ballot stuffing in predominantly ethnic areas.  Countries working towards NATO membership must make every effort to meet the democratic standards of the Alliance. 


Active steps should be taken to address the security and electoral shortfalls, in particular in the context of the repeat of voting to take place in districts where the electoral process had to be halted.  NATO will carefully assess the OSCE Observer Mission's final conclusions, once the process is complete.





[1] Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name


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