NATO increases support to Afghan forces in Kandahar

On 17 June, NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) deployed additional troops in Kandahar City and in the Arghandab area, southern Afghanistan, to further assist the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).


North Atlantic Council visits Ukraine

The North Atlantic Coucil, comprising NATO's Secretary General and the 26 NATO ambassadors, visited Ukraine on 16 and 17 June for a series of high-level meetings in Kyiv and to take part in a number of outreach activities in the regions.


PfP Consortium looks 10 years ahead

NATO Secretary General opened a conference celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes on 18 June 2008.


Milestone agreement signed for Georgia Trust Fund Project

On 18 June 2008 the financial management agreement for the NATO Trust Fund Project with Georgia was signed at NATO’s headquarters in Brussels. The Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, Robert F. Simmons, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Ms. Eka Tkeshelashvili, attended the event.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

1 Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.
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