Issue ¹ 3/2008

NATO-Russia Council defence ministers meet

Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov met Allied defence ministers at NATO Headquarters on 13 June to discuss defence and military cooperation and current international security issues. more>>

Russia takes part in NATO submarine rescue exercise

A Russian rescue vessel, the RFS Titov, carrying a Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV), participated in a NATO submarine search-and-rescue exercise in the North Sea from 26 May to 6 June. more>>


Russia takes part in disaster-response exercise in Finland

Russian personnel were among some 1000 people from 25 NATO and Partner countries to deploy to assist the Finnish authorities in a five-day disaster-response field exercise, UUSIMAA 2008, which was held in in Finland from 1 to 5 June. more>>


NATO Secretary GeneralÂ’s statement on the Deployment of Russian Railway Troops into Georgia

I am concerned by the current deployment of several hundred Russian military personnel into the Georgian region of Abkhazia, which is contributing to instability in what is already a volatile area. more>>



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