New Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, former Chief of the Italian Defense Staff, assumed today the position of Chairman of the NATO Military Committee – NATO’s top military officer – from outgoing Canadian Gen. Ray Henault.


Trust Fund contributes to good governance

NATO launched a Trust Fund to build integrity and promote best practices in defence establishments on 1 July 2008. The official agreements were signed at the Alliance’s headquarters by NATO Deputy Secretary General and representatives of the three lead nations - Poland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


NATO conference addresses helicopter needs

On 1-2 July 2008 200 delegates from NATO and Partner countries attended the Transport Helicopter Conference held by NATO's Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) in Brussels.


NATO AWACS demonstrates worldwide deployability

After months of comprehensive preparation, the first-ever deployment to Australia became a reality when NATO AWACS departed for Exercise Pitch Black, which took place in Darwin from 2 to 27 June.


NATO TV launches summer school lectures

Dr. Jamie Shea, Director, Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, and former NATO Spokesman, talks about “NATO: present challenges; future possibilities” in a series of 6 lectures to be broadcast exclusively on the NATO TV Channel.


"NATO Update" provides up-to-date news on NATO activities and events. Conceived for the general public, it aims to give a broad overview of Alliance-wide initiatives.

1 Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.
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