NATO's foreign ministers reiterate their support for Georgia

The North Atlantic Council (NAC) met in a special foreign ministerial session on 19 August 2008 to discuss the situation in Georgia and its implications for Euro-Atlantic stability and security.


NATO Secretary General condemns terrorist attacks in Algeria

On behalf of NATO, I condemn in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attack in Issers today.  I offer NATO's profound condolences to President Bouteflika and to the Algerian people for this heinous act, which has caused the death of many young people and hope for a speedy recovery of those injured. 


Mentoring the Afghan National Army

Providing direct support to the Afghan National Army (ANA) is one of NATO's key military tasks.  An example of this support is presented by Operational Mentor Liaison Teams (OMLTs) who provide a bridge from the collective training received at the Kabul Military Training Centre to field training.


NATO tests new harbour protection technologies

Germany will host TechDemo08, a NATO-sponsored technology demonstration, as part of the Defence Against Terrorism Programme of Work (DAT POW), from 25 August to 5 September 2008. Three lead nations “Belgium, Germany and Italy“ will combine their efforts to test and validate new surveillance technologies in a harbour environment.



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