Standing NATO Maritime Group transits Suez Canal en-route to anti-piracy duties

Seven ships, from six NATO navies, transit the Suez Canal today, on their way to conduct both anti-piracy duties and visit NATO partner nations in the Gulf region.

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NATO running festival in Budapest

NATO Public Diplomacy Division (PDD), together with the Hungarian Government and non-governmental organizations, organized the third NATO Partnership Running Festival in Budapest, Hungary, on 12 October. The festival took place shortly after the informal meeting of  NATO Defence Ministers, and was part of a series of communication events highlighting NATO’s role in the region.


Multiple Futures focus of upcoming SACT Seminar

Alliance leaders, including the Secretary General, the North Atlantic Council and the Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 15 and 16 October for the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) seminar. The seminar provides a platform for strategic debate about the long term security challenges, risks and threats facing the European and North American populations.


NATO celebrates World Standards Day

On 17 October, the Director of the NATO Standardization Agency, Admiral Juan A. Moreno, will host a celebration of World Standards Day, inviting representatives from NATO, its member countries and the civilian standardization community, whose work contributes towards interoperability in the military arena. 


Third NATO Afghan Student Forum

NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division is organizing, for the third consecutive year, the NATO Afghan Student Forum, a gathering of youth from Afghanistan and neighbouring countries together with students from NATO member countries. The programme includes several days of lectures from academics, international and NATO experts, as well as representatives from the French armed forces.



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