NATO Naval Task Group en route to escort duties off Somali coast


Seven ships, from six NATO navies, transit the Suez Canal today, on their way to conduct both anti-piracy duties and visit NATO partner nations in the Gulf region.

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NATO and EU representatives discuss security issues

The North Atlantic Council (NAC) and the European Union’s Political and Security Committee (PSC) met at NATO Headquarters on 27 October to discuss the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Military Committee concludes its visit to Afghanistan

Military Representatives from the 26 NATO nations and from the non-NATO Troop-Contributing Nations to ISAF were updated on NATO’s operation and the current evolution of the security situation in Afghanistan.


Deputy Secretary General underlines the need for comprehensive approach


A “comprehensive approach to today’s risks and threats” is a key characteristic of NATO today, the Alliance's Deputy Secretary General Claudio Bisogniero said during a keynote address at the Forum on Euro-Atlantic Security in Krakow, Poland.


NATO Secretary General visits Moldova


President Voronin visited NATO in December 2007.

The NATO Secretary General visited the Moldovan capital Chisinau and met with President Vladimir Voronin. They discussed cooperation between Moldova and NATO in the framework of the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP)and other issues of common interest for NATO and Moldova.



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