PR/CP (2008)135
4 November 2008

North Atlantic Council VisitS KFOR



The North Atlantic Council (NAC) is visiting KFOR today, Tuesday 4 November 2008. The NAC is the senior decision-making body of NATO, comprising the 26 NATO Permanent Representatives, chaired by the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. 


During the visit, the members of the NAC will meet with COMKFOR, Lt. Gen. Giuseppe Emilio Gay, and with the Kosovo authorities. They will also meet with leaders of the Serb community in Kosovo and visit different Multinational Task Forces.


The NAC will hold discussions with the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representative for Kosovo, Mr. Lamberto  Zannier, with the European Union Special Representative, Mr. Pieter Feith and with other representatives of the international community in Kosovo.



Media Advisory



18:05       The NATO Secretary General meets the press – Slatina Airport – Pristina


The programme of the visit is subject to change. For further information, please contact the NATO Press and Media Service at tel: +32 2 707 50 41, fax +32 2 707 50 57.

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