Secretary General congratulates President-elect Obama

Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian

I offer warm congratulations to Senator Obama on his election to become the next US President.The transatlantic link, based upon the shared values on which our Alliance was founded almost 60 years ago, remains essential.


North Atlantic Council visits KFOR

The North Atlantic Council (NAC) visited KFOR and met with COMKFOR and with the Kosovo authorities. The members of the NAC also met with leaders of the Serb community in Kosovo and visited different Multinational Task Forces.


NATO Talk around the Brandenburger Tor

The Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will inaugurate a new communication platform for transatlantic security issues on the margins of the annual Atlantic Treaty Association’s General Assembly in Berlin, Germany from 10 to 12 November.


NATO and partners explore multiple futures

Allied Command Transformation (ACT) hosted the annual Strategic Military Partner Conference from 3 to 5 November in Tirana, Albania. The event provided a unique venue for all NATO, Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue, Istanbul Cooperation Initiative and selected Contact Country Chiefs of Defence for discussions on the “Multiple Futures” project.


Berlin seminar to address challenge of WMD proliferation

Senior officials from across the globe will discuss the challenge of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) at a high-level seminar in Berlin on 13-14 November 2008.



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