Allies discuss relations with Ukraine and Georgia and send a signal to Russia

As tasked by the Heads of State and Government in Bucharest, Allied Ministers discussed progress made by Ukraine and Georgia towards meeting membership requirements and discussed best ways to assist with their reforms.


NATO Foreign Ministers address Afghanistan, Kosovo and piracy

NATO Foreign Ministers held discussions on the AllianceÂ’s engagement in Afghanistan during a meeting of the North Atlantic Council on 3 December 2008.


Foreign Ministers review progress in Mediterranean Dialogue

NATO Foreign Ministers met with their Mediterranean Dialogue partners during a ministerial working lunch on 2 December. This was the third meeting of the NATO Foreign Ministers in the framework of the MD, following those which took place in December 2004 and 2007 in Brussels.


NATO cosponsors Afghan movie festival in Estonia

Afghan movies and movie-makers were at the forefront of a three-day film festival entitled “Silk Road Hot Spots”, itself part of the 12th Tallin Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia. The event was organized by the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association and cosponsored by NATO and the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Mélange disposal project to start in Uzbekistan

On 28 November 2008, the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) and the Republic of Uzbekistan officially signed an agreement to carry out a Science for Peace and Security project aimed at the destruction of mélange in Uzbekistan.


NATO ships successfully complete seventh escort mission

With the safe arrival at Berbera, Somalia, of the merchant vessel As Salaam, 29,000 metric tons of humanitarian aid of the World Food Programme (WFP) have been delivered to Somalia under NATO protection. Seven escorting missions have been conducted in support of the WFP since the Alliance launched the anti-piracy operation Allied Provider, on 24 October 2008.


All change at the NATO Programming Centre

The NATO Programming Centre based in Glons, Belgium, held a ceremony to mark its transfer of authority from the Allied Command Operations to the NATO Communications Service Agency. The NATO Programming Centre, which is currently tasked with maintaining the AllianceÂ’s Air Command and Control systems, will soon be reassigned as the System Support Centre for the NATO Air Command & Control System.



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