HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT       #4754


PERIOD COVERED: 5am December 10 - 5am December 11, 2008 (DOY





ACS/SBC 11110


Searching for Lyman Apha Emission from FUSE Lyman Continuum Candidates


We have recently been granted time on FUSE to characterize the escape

fraction of hydrogen Lyman continuum (Lyc) photons from a

morphologically diverse set of star forming galaxies. The FUSE program

is designed to provide ~ 5 sigma detections of Lyc photons emitted from

star forming galaxies with escape fractions ~5%. With this proposal we

seek hydrogen Lyman alpha (Lya) observations of a representative subset

of the FUSE program targets to constrain the observational relationship

between Lyc, Lya, and hydrogen Balmer line emission in these systems.

Such observations explore the detailed balance between the simple

optically thin (Case A) and optically thick (Case B) limits in

recombination theory. The ultimate goal of this program is to quantify

the relationship between escaping Lya and Lyc emission and the first

structures that form in the early universe.


FGS 11942


Increasing the Accuracy of HST Astrometry with FGS1R


We propose to observe six exoplanetary system host stars and two

planetary nebulae central stars with FGS1r. All objects have been

previously observed under proposals GO-09233, -09969, -10989, and

-11210. These observations will significantly extend the time baseline,

permitting improvements in the determination of proper motion. This

systematic motion must be removed to get at the perturbation of

interest, either due to exoplanetary companions or the orbital motion of

the Earth (parallax). In most cases the perturbation orbits will also

improve. We improve either companion mass or PN parallax. For one

target, GJ 876, theoretical dynamical modelers have proposed an

inclination closer to 50 degrees, while FGS3 measurements indicated an

inclination closer to 84 degrees. These new data, once combined with our

older FGS3 data, will permit an independent remeasurement of the

inclination of the outermost companion, and a re-evaluation of widely

used dynamical algorithms.




Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)


HSTARS: (None)



18370-0 - Adjust NCS CPL Setpoint



1760-0 - Monitor NCS CPL for Indication of Flood


                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL

FGS GSacq               06                  06                              

FGS REacq               05                  05                 

OBAD with Maneuver 22                  22               




FLASH Report: MIL Engineering Test

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