NATO Secretary General congratulates President Obama

On behalf of the Atlantic Alliance, I warmly congratulate Barack Obama on his inauguration as the 44th President of the United States of America.

Start of the Kosovo Security Force recruitment campaign

KFOR representatives will present the concept of the recruitment campaign for the new Kosovo Security Force (KSF) to the public at the University of Pristina on 21 January. The recruitment campaign will last until 14 February.

NATO Secretary General outlines 2009 highlights

At the annual press reception on the occasion of the New Year, held at NATO Headquarters, NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, outlined the priorities of the Alliance for 2009.

Slovakia hosts annual GLOBSEC conference

The fourth International Security Conference, or GLOBSEC, will take place on 29-30 January in Bratislava, Slovakia. Organized by the Slovak Atlantic Commission, GLOBSEC is a platform for prominent international and Slovak political leaders, decision-makers, and independent experts to discuss key transatlantic and global security challenges.

Centres of Excellence – a pool of expertise for NATO

In 2008, NATO opened a Centre of Excellence (COE) on cyber defence in Estonia and reported that 10 Allied nations had signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of a military engineering COE. But what is a COE and what is its purpose?

New on NATO TV: the Gurkhas train the Afghan Police

Soldiers from the second Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles are helping to train the Afghan police in Helmand, Afghanistan. The Gurkhas have been part of the British Army for nearly two hundred years. Here they are working with a group of Afghan police who have been selected to guard a new police station in Lashkar Gah.

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