Soooooo....... It's READY!
The long awaited, much anticipated, better than I ever imagined ooTunes iPhone app is READY!!!
For the impatient: Get it in iTunes!
See the walk-through/ click-through/tap-through Tutorial
(and while this is pretty awesome, the real thing is AwesomeR).
For those who value culture, and boring details,
Lots to say...
First and foremost, TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! This is the initial release, but it's NOT the final product. We've got even more up the sleeve (it happens to be a rather long sleeve).
Second, add more streams, report broken streams or streams that need corrections to names, or locations (like if you find it searching by name but NOT in a nearby location) or any other feedback (we're listening, I promise!)
So what now?
For you: use it, abuse it, tell us what it's missing!
Then (only if you like it as much as we do ;) TELL YOUR FRIENDS, leave a review in the App Store, blog about it, tell your favorite radio stations to promote it, then get some sleep.
For us? After I celebrate the release by getting my first iPhone (I kid you not...): We'll add more stations, faster loading, more features, and... um, more vague stuff. And whatever you want ;) (as long as it's legal, and broadly desirable)
Oh, and we'll be working hard to make the ooTunes Media Server easier to setup, with better documentation and eventually new features (like sharing your photo library).
Thanks for your interest!
(ooTunes Nerd #1)