HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT       #4793


PERIOD COVERED: 5am February 17 - 5am February 18, 2009 (DOY





ACS/SBC 11984


Observing Saturn's High Latitude Polar Auroras


Planetary auroral emissions are critical indicators of how the

magnetospheres of the planets work. Recently, a new component of

Saturn's auroral emissions, i.e. high latitude auroras inside the main

auroral oval, have been observed by the Cassini spacecraft during

otherwise quiet auroral conditions. Such high latitude auroras are of

immense interest since they occur on magnetic flux tubes connected to a

region that is key to the overall dynamics of the system, the

magnetotail, and where if conventional theories regarding Saturn's

magnetosphere are correct there should not be any auroras. These faint

auroral emissions have not been previously observed by the Hubble Space

Telescope (HST). However, the unique oblique viewing geometry afforded

during early 2009 due to Saturn's orbital longitude will result in the

apparent brightening of these polar emissions due to the

limb-brightening effect, with the result that they may be observable by

HST for the first ever time. In addition, at this time the Cassini

spacecraft will be in a high latitude orbit, with a trajectory that will

take it through these magnetic flux tubes, providing essential

simultaneous in situ data. This is the last time Cassini will be in such

an orbit during its mission as currently scheduled and HST is the only

instrument capable of obtaining sustained long-term observations of

Saturn's auroras. These observations will address the following:


Does Saturn exhibit high latitude UV auroras observable by HST? Where do

these auroras occur, and at what altitude? How do these auroras behave

over time? How variable are they? Are they periodic? How do they behave

with respect to other auroral components? What processes drive these



Are these auroras generated by processes internal to the magnetosphere

or are they driven by the solar wind? How do the infrared (IR) auroras

relate to the ultraviolet (UV) auroras?


FGS 11706


The Parallax of the Planet Host Star XO-3


We will use HST+FGS to measure the parallax of the transiting planet

host star XO-3. The resulting accurate distance measurement will provide

the most accurate radius determination to date for this massive

extrasolar planet (XO-3b), allowing us to critically test current giant

extrasolar planet structure models. These observations will also

constrain the amount of heating that may be produced inside XO-3b by

tides raised on the planet as it moves through its 3.2 d eccentric (e ~

0.22) orbit.


WFPC2 11796


WFPC2 Cycle 16 Decontaminations and Associated Observations


This proposal is for the WFPC2 decons. Also included are instrument

monitors tied to decons: photometric stability check, focus monitor,

pre- and post-decon internals (bias, intflats, kspots, & darks), UV

throughput check, VISFLAT sweep, and internal UV flat check.


WFPC2 11944


Binaries at the Extremes of the H-R Diagram


We propose to use HST/Fine Guidance Sensor 1r to survey for binaries

among some of the most massive, least massive, and oldest stars in our

part of the Galaxy. FGS allows us to spatially resolve binary systems

that are too faint to observe using ground-based, speckle or optical

long baseline interferometry, and too close to resolve with AO. We

propose a SNAP-style program of single orbit FGS TRANS mode observations

of very massive stars in the cluster NGC 3603, luminous blue variables,

nearby low mass main sequence stars, cool subdwarf stars, and white

dwarfs. These observations will help us to (1) identify systems suitable

for follow up studies for mass determination, (2) study the role of

binaries in stellar birth and in advanced evolutionary states, (3)

explore the fundamental properties of stars near the main sequence-brown

dwarf boundary, (4) understand the role of binaries for X-ray bright

systems, (5) find binaries among ancient and nearby subdwarf stars, and

(6) help calibrate the white dwarf mass - radius relation.


WFPC2 11966


The Recent Star Formation History of SINGS Galaxies


The Spitzer Legacy project SINGS provided a unique view of the current

state of star formation and dust in a sample of galaxies of all Hubble

types. This multi-wavelength view allowed the team to create current

star formation diagnostics that are independent of the dust content and

increased our understanding of the dust in galaxies. Even so, using the

SINGS data alone we can only make rough estimates of the recent star

formation history of these galaxies. The lack of high resolution

observations (especially U-band and H-alpha) means that it is impossible

to estimate the ages of young clusters. In addition, the low resolution

of the Spitzer and ground-based observations means that what appear to

be individual Spitzer sources can actually be composed of many

individual clusters with varying ages. We need to know the ages, star

formation histories, and extinction of these individual clusters to

understand how these clusters form and age and thus influence the

evolution of the galaxy. In this proposal we address this missing area

of SINGS by obtaining high-resolution WFPC2 UBVI & H-alpha observations

to not only accurately locate and determine the ages of the young

stellar clusters in the actively star forming SINGS galaxies but to also

address a variety of other scientific issues. Over 500 HST orbits and

500 hours of Spitzter observing time have been dedicated to observations

of the SINGS sample. But the HST observations have not been systematic.

By adding a relatively small fraction of this time for these requested

observations, we will greatly enhance the legacy value of the SINGS

observations by creating a uniform high resolution multi-wavelength HST

archive that matches the quality of the lower resolution SINGS archive.


WFPC2 11989


The Integral Sign Galaxy


We will observe the unusual warped disk galaxy known as the Integral

Sign Galaxy, UGC 3697, with a small two-position WFPC2 mosaic.

Observations will be obtained in three broad band filters and the

resulting image will be released on the 19th anniversary of the launch

of the Hubble Space Telescope on ~April 24, 2009. Multidrizzled mosaics

will be made available through the archive.




Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)



11678 - GSAcq(1,3,3) Loss of Lock while HST guiding under two FGSs @



           Observations possibly affected: WFPC 53 & 54, Proposal ID# 11989


11679 - REAcq(1,3,3) fails to Gyro Control, V1 error was too large to

           correct @ 048/1404z


           Observations affected: WFPC 57 & 58, Proposal ID# 11989.


11680 - REAcq(1,3,3) failed to RGA Hold due to Stop Flag on FGS-1 @



           Observations affected: WFPC 59 and 60, Proposal ID# 11989


11681 - REAcq (1,3,3) failed to RGA Hold due to QF1STOPF flag on FGS-1 @



           Observations affected: WFPC 63 & 64, Proposal ID# 11989.


11682 - REAcq(1,3,3) fails to Gyro Control, V1 error was too large to

           correct @ 048/2047z


           Observations affected: WFPC 65 & 66, Proposal ID# 11989


11683 - REAcq (1,3,3) failed to RGA Hold due to QF1STOPF flag on FGS-1 @



           Observations affected: WFPC 67 & 68, Proposal ID# 11989






                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL      FAILURE TIMES

FGS GSacq               07                 07                      

FGS REacq               08                 03               

OBAD with Maneuver 30                 30

LOSS of LOCK                                                    048/1100z