HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT       #4858


PERIOD COVERED: 5am June 2 - 5am June 3, 2009 (DOY 153/0900z-154/0900z)




FGS 11458


Optimizing FGS2R2 Performance with the AMA


Ths proposal satisfies SMOV4 AD OTA/FGSS-054. S-curves with PUPIL and

F583W will be obtained at selected locations within the FGS2R2 FOV

during SMOV4. These data will be will be used to adjust the AMA so as to

align the HST pupil onto the interferometer's Koesters prisms. The final

AMA position will be set to produce an acceptable set of S-curves across

the FGS2R2 FOV. The AMA will be adjusted using CCL/instructions from the

ground. It is intended that this proposal executes during the SMOV4 BEA

and will require several (on the order of 4) iterations to achieve

optimal interferometric performance.


STIS17/S/C 11350


FUV MAMA HV Recovery


This proposal addresses the concerns over Cesium migration from the

FUV-MAMA photocathode into the pores of the microchannel plate and lays

out the procedures necessary to permit a safe and controlled recovery of

the FUV-MAMA detector to science. This procedure should only be used

during the SMOV4 high voltage recommissioning phase for the FUV-MAMA.

After that, the normal ramping procedure should be used. This proposal

is loosely based on proposal 10036, STIS MAMA Anomalous Recovery, with

the differences summarized below: (1) additional plateaus during voltage

commanding, (2) longer dwells after each 50 V step, (3) intermediate

ramp re-structured into 2 parts, (4) change in yellow and red limits and

the MCP Hi limit, setting new values for the next plateau, and (5)

adding a fold test at 300V below the nominal MCP voltage. The recovery

consists of four separate and unique procedures (visits) and they must

be completed successfully and in order. They are: (1) a signal

processing electronics check, (2) 1st high voltage ramp-up to an

intermediate MCP voltage of -1500 V with limits modifications and

voltage plateaus, (3) 2nd high voltage ramp-up to an intermediate MCP

voltage of -1950 V (300 V below the nominal MCP voltage) with limits

modifications and voltage plateaus followed by a fold distribution test,

and (4) the final high voltage ramp-up to the full operating voltage,

again with limits modifications and voltage plateaus, followed by a fold

distribution test. During the 1st high voltage ramp-up, diagnostics are

performed followed by a dark exposure. During the 2nd and 3rd high

voltage ramp-ups, diagnostics are performed followed by a dark, flat

field ACCUMs, and a fold analysis test. All required parameters are

defined in 07-248 FUV and NUV SMOV Ramp-up Parameters Excel workbook.

Supports Activity STIS-17


STIS5/CC 11399


STIS CCD Hot Pixel Annealing (SMOV4 activity STIS-05)


This purpose of this activity is to repair radiation induced hot pixel

damage to the STIS CCD by warming the CCD to the ambient instrument

temperature and annealing radiation damaged pixels.


Radiation damage creates hot pixels in the STIS CCD Detector. Many of

these hot pixels can be repaired by warming the CCD from its normal

operating temperature near -83?C to the ambient instrument temperature

(~ +5 deg C) for several hours. The number of hot pixels repaired is a

function of annealing temperature. So although the CCD during Safing has

been warmer (~ -5 deg C) than its normal operating temperature, the

electronics have been off and the CCD has remained cooler than its

temperature (+5 deg C) during the annealing procedure.


The effectiveness of the CCD hot pixel annealing process is assessed by

measuring the dark current behavior before and after annealing and by

searching for any window contamination effects. In addition CTE

performance is examined by looking for traps in a low signal level flat.

This proposal is a continuation of the Cycle 12 proposal 10022.




Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)



11861 - GSAcq(1,3,3) at 153/21:42:00 results in fine lock backup (1,0,1) using FGS-1


           Observations affected: None.




18469-0 - Clear COS Event Flag 2 after NUV initial turn on Part 2 completes @ 153/1347z

18466-0 - Clear STIS Event Flag 2 (MAMA1 Checkout Part 2) @ 153/1428z

18471-1 - Update ACS CEB-R ASIC Offsets @ 153/1755z

18470-0 - 1st AMA Move for FGS2R2 @ 153/2155z




                        SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL

FGS GSAcq                9                     9               

FGS REAcq                0                     0                

OBAD with Maneuver  6                     6       




Flash Report:

The 1st FGS2R2 AMA Move was executed 153/21:42-21:55.