HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT       #4861


PERIOD COVERED: 5am June 5 - 5am June 8, 2009 (DOY 156/0900z-159/0900z)




COS/NUV 11467


NUV Detector Internal Functionality and Operation


The functionality and operation of the COS NUV detector will be tested

using internal sources. Several science exposures will be taken in

TIME-TAG using both the DEUTERIUM and Pt/Ne lamps. This is SMOV Activity



COS05/NUV 11466


NUV Detector Dark


Measure the NUV detector dark rate by taking long science exposures with

no light on the detector. The detector dark rate and spatial

distribution of counts will be compared to pre-launch data in order to

verify the nominal operation of the detector, and for use in the CalCOS

calibration pipeline. Variations of count rate as a function of orbital

position will be analyzed to find dependence of dark rate on proximity

to the SAA.


FGS/S/C 11458


Optimizing FGS2R2 Performance with the AMA


This proposal satisfies SMOV4 AD OTA/FGSS-054. S-curves with PUPIL and

F583W will be obtained at selected locations within the FGS2R2 FOV

during SMOV4. These data will be will be used to adjust the AMA so as to

align the HST pupil onto the interferometer's Koesters prisms. The final

AMA position will be set to produce an acceptable set of S-curves across

the FGS2R2 FOV. The AMA will be adjusted using CCL/instructions from the

ground. It is intended that this proposal executes during the SMOV4 BEA

and will require several (on the order of 4) iterations to achieve

optimal interferometric performance.


STIS07/CCD 11404


CCD Dark and Bias Monitor for SMOV4/Cycle 17 Activity STIS-07


Monitor the darks for the STIS CCD. Monitor the bias in the 1x1, 1x2,

2x1, and 2x2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1x1 at gain = 4, to build up

high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot columns.


STIS13/CCD 11388


STIS-13 CCD Spectroscopic Image Quality and ACQ Tests


Check image quality along the 52x0.1 slit in combination with the G230LB

grating. The target star will be positioned at several positions along

the slit including 52X0.1 (nominal center position), 52X0.1E1 (CTE

position) and 51X0.1D1 (MAMA acquisitions near low background for FUV

MAMA). Positioning of the target will be done utilizing PATTERN and

offsets of 0.1 arcseconds between five positions. Sufficient targets

will be selected, and contingency visits prepared, to allow this

activity to occur any time during the BEA period.


ACS/SBC 11372


SBC UV Contamination Check


ACS/SBC throughput in the far-UV will be monitored during the bright

earth avoidance period through use of two non-BEA visits, each of one

orbit separated by one week allowing observations of NGC 6681. A waiver

for two non-BEA orbits during BEA was previously granted. Exposures will

be taken in PR110L, F115LP, F125LP, F140LP, F150LP and F165LP as in

recent UV Monitor program observations. These results will be one of the

activities determining if the BEA can be ended. A third visit just after

BEA ends will repeat the above monitoring and include one orbit with

F122M. ON HOLD visits 4 and 5 would substitute for 1 and 2 if SM4 is



COS23/S/C/FUV 11356


COS FUV Initial On-Orbit Turn-On


This proposal specifies the procedure for SMOV initial HV turn-on and

ramp-up of the COS FUV detector. (The FUV will have been commanded to

its Operate state to support execution of proposal 11353.) The procedure

is detailed in the Observing Description, but in summary, the following

is done: The initial transition from FUV Operate to HVLow is broken into

two parts, with a gap of 4 hours between turning on the HV and ramping

to the HVLow (SAA) voltage. This will be followed by 5 cycles of HV

ramp-up and return to HVLow. Cycles will ramp up to successively higher

(magnitude) voltage, with the fifth cycle going to the nominal operating

values. There will be a gap of at least 4 hours between cycles. All HV

ramp-up will be done at 10 sec per HV "step". The step rate and cycle

voltage values (for Segments A and B) must be patched in FSW in each

cycle prior to the HV ramp commanding. Memory monitors will be set on

the patched memory locations. Immediately after any HV commanding, and 4

hours after ramp-up commanding, the DCE memory will be dumped.

Immediately after HV ramp-up commanding higher than HVLow, short DARK &

WAVE exposures will be obtained. Visits 01 and 02, and all the

subsequent even numbered visits (the ones 4 hours after HV ramp-ups),

end with NSSC-1 COS event flag 3 being set. If the flag remains set,

subsequent FUV commanding will be skipped. Thus, Operations Requests

must be in place to clear the flag prior to those subsequent visits.

Real-time monitoring of the telemetry will be used to guide the

decisions whether or not to clear the flag. The final visit (13)

provides a scheduled final opportunity to clear flag 3, and if the flag

is cleared, initiates nominal FUV HV commanding and requests a DARK



STIS17/MA/S/C 11350


FUV MAMA HV Recovery


This proposal addresses the concerns over Cesium migration from the

FUV-MAMA photocathode into the pores of the microchannel plate and lays

out the procedures necessary to permit a safe and controlled recovery of

the FUV-MAMA detector to science. This procedure should only be used

during the SMOV4 high voltage recommissioning phase for the FUV-MAMA.

After that, the normal ramping procedure should be used. This proposal

is loosely based on proposal 10036, STIS MAMA Anomalous Recovery, with

the differences summarized below: (1) additional plateaus during voltage

commanding, (2) longer dwells after each 50 V step, (3) intermediate

ramp re-structured into 2 parts, (4) change in yellow and red limits and

the MCP Hi limit, setting new values for the next plateau, and (5)

adding a fold test at 300V below the nominal MCP voltage. The recovery

consists of four separate and unique procedures (visits) and they must

be completed successfully and in order. They are: (1) a signal

processing electronics check, (2) 1st high voltage ramp-up to an

intermediate MCP voltage of -1500 V with limits modifications and

voltage plateaus, (3) 2nd high voltage ramp-up to an intermediate MCP

voltage of -1950 V (300 V below the nominal MCP voltage) with limits

modifications and voltage plateaus followed by a fold distribution test,

and (4) the final high voltage ramp-up to the full operating voltage,

again with limits modifications and voltage plateaus, followed by a fold

distribution test. During the 1st high voltage ramp-up, diagnostics are

performed followed by a dark exposure. During the 2nd and 3rd high

voltage ramp-ups, diagnostics are performed followed by a dark, flat

field ACCUMs, and a fold analysis test. All required parameters are

defined in 07-248 FUV and NUV SMOV Ramp-up Parameters Excel workbook.

Supports Activity STIS-17




Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)



11867 - At 157/13:04:22z GSAcq (1,3,3) scheduled from 13:00:29z -

           13:07:30z resulted in Fine Lock Back-up (1,0,1).


           Observations affected: None


11869 - GSAcq(1,3,3) scheduled at 156/23:23:33z - 23:31:04 resulted in

           fine lock backup (3,0,3) using FGS-3 due to Scan Step Limit Exceeded on



           Observations possibly affected: COS 8 - 12 Proposal ID#11467 and

           Astrometry Proposal ID#11458





18474-0 - 2nd AMA Move for FGS2R2 @ 156/0951z

18490-0 - Clear COS Event Flag 3 after FUV initial turn on Part 1 completes @ 156/1330z

18493-0 - Uplink OBSINT Gyro Bias Update @ 156/1542z

18496-1 - Perform COS Time code update @ 157/1413z

18495-0 - Clear COS Event Flag 3 after FUV initial turn on Part 2 completes @ 157/1426z

18468-0 - Clear STIS Event Flag 2 (MAMA1 Checkout Part 4) @ 157/1448z

18497-0 - 3rd AMA Move for FGS2R2 @ 158/2239z





                      SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL

FGS GSAcq               25                 25               

FGS REAcq                1                   1                

OBAD with Maneuver 18                 18       




Flash Reports:

-The 2nd FGS2R2 AMA Move was executed at 156/09:39-09:52z.


-The COS FUV HV was ramped to HVlow (-4069 volts) on both segments A and B at 156/16:55z


-At 157/20:54z the COS FUV HV was partially ramped to HVNom (-4916/-4869 volts) on both

 segments A and B respectively.


-The 3rd FGS2R2 AMA Move was executed at 158/22:30-22:39z