HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT      #4864


PERIOD COVERED: 5am June 10 - 5am June11, 2009 (DOY 161/0900z-162/0900z)




ACS/WFC 11510


External CTE Monitor


Observations of 47 Tuc with half-FOV sized dithers to check the impact

of CTE on photometry after SM4.


COS23/FUV/S/C 11356


COS FUV Initial On-Orbit Turn-On


This proposal specifies the procedure for SMOV initial HV turn-on and

ramp-up of the COS FUV detector. (The FUV will have been commanded to

its Operate state to support execution of proposal 11353.) The procedure

is detailed in the Observing Description, but in summary, the following

is done: The initial transition from FUV Operate to HVLow is broken into

two parts, with a gap of 4 hours between turning on the HV and ramping

to the HVLow (SAA) voltage. This will be followed by 5 cycles of HV

ramp-up and return to HVLow. Cycles will ramp up to successively higher

(magnitude) voltage, with the fifth cycle going to the nominal operating

values. There will be a gap of at least 4 hours between cycles. All HV

ramp-up will be done at 10 sec per HV "step". The step rate and cycle

voltage values (for Segments A and B) must be patched in FSW in each

cycle prior to the HV ramp commanding. Memory monitors will be set on

the patched memory locations. Immediately after any HV commanding, and 4

hours after ramp-up commanding, the DCE memory will be dumped.

Immediately after HV ramp-up commanding higher than HVLow, short DARK &

WAVE exposures will be obtained. Visits 01 and 02, and all the

subsequent even numbered visits (the ones 4 hours after HV ramp-ups),

end with NSSC-1 COS event flag 3 being set. If the flag remains set,

subsequent FUV commanding will be skipped. Thus, Operations Requests

must be in place to clear the flag prior to those subsequent visits.

Real-time monitoring of the telemetry will be used to guide the

decisions whether or not to clear the flag. The final visit (13)

provides a scheduled final opportunity to clear flag 3, and if the flag

is cleared, initiates nominal FUV HV commanding and requests a DARK



FGS 11458


Optimizing FGS2R2 Performance with the AMA


This proposal satisfies SMOV4 AD OTA/FGSS-054. S-curves with PUPIL and

F583W will be obtained at selected locations within the FGS2R2 FOV

during SMOV4. These data will be will be used to adjust the AMA so as to

align the HST pupil onto the interferometer's Koesters prisms. The final

AMA position will be set to produce an acceptable set of S-curves across

the FGS2R2 FOV. The AMA will be adjusted using CCL/instructions from the

ground. It is intended that this proposal executes during the SMOV4 BEA

and will require several (on the order of 4) iterations to achieve

optimal interferometric performance.


STIS07/CCD 11404


CCD Dark and Bias Monitor for SMOV4/Cycle 17 Activity STIS-07


Monitor the darks for the STIS CCD. Monitor the bias in the 1x1, 1x2,

2x1, and 2x2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1x1 at gain = 4, to build up

high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot columns.


STIS19/MA1 11390


STIS-19 FUV MAMA Dark Measure


The STIS MAMA HV power supplies are turned on only during each day's

block of SAA-free orbits. The FUV MAMA dark current glow has been

determined to increase with the length of time the FUV HV power supply

has been on. The rate of this daily increase has changed over the years

and also appears to be sensitive to temperature. To measure the rate at

which the dark current increases, as soon as possible after the

completion of STIS-17 (11350) completes a series of five 1380s FUV MAMA

dark exposures spread over 5 or more orbits of a single SAA period will

be taken. A second block of five exposures should be done near the end

of the SMOV period when the temperature of the aft shroud and STIS are

in the range expected for normal Cycle 17 operations.


WFC3/S/C 11454


Activation Test


This program (WFC3 SMOV program WFC3-01) verifies that WFC3 is in the

same condition after release from the Shuttle as during the Functional

Test (FT), which was conducted with HST in the Shuttle’s payload bay.

This analog test will be implemented in stored commanding that will be

generated from a Phase II proposal, whereas the in-bay FT was run with

real-time CCLs.


The purpose of the FT was to demonstrate that WFC3 is viable for

scientific research. This was accomplished by demonstrating that WFC3

can be commanded to the nominal scientific operating state and can carry

out nominal scientific operations of the UVIS and IR channels, including

operation of the thermoelectric coolers (TECs), corrector and focus

mechanisms, UVIS shutter, SOFA and FSM filter wheels, detectors, and

Control Section (CS). Only one Side of the CS is verified.


This test is compatible with execution during the post-FT, Safe-Protect

period. Operability of the TECs is not demonstrated in this test, but is

demonstrated in the SMOV Detector & TEC activation programs, WFC3-04 and





Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)


HSTARS: (None)



18504-0 - Clear STIS Event Flag 3 (MAMA2 Checkout Part 3) @ 161/1444z

18477-0 - WFC3 Enable UVIS TEC Commanding @ 161/1855z

18478-1 - WFC3 Enable 6-Stage TEC to -90C @ 161/1859z

18479-1 - WFC3 Enable TECFIRE @ 162/0243




                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL

FGS GSAcq               4                     4               

FGS REAcq               4                     4                

OBAD with Maneuver 4                     4            




Flash Report:

The COS FUV HV was partially ramped to HVNom (-5105/-5057V volts) on both

segment A and B respectively at 161/19:24z.