HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science
DAILY REPORT       #4867
PERIOD COVERED: 5am June 15 - 5am June 16, 2009 (DOY 166/0900z-167/0900z)
COS23/FUV/S/C 11356
COS FUV Initial On-Orbit Turn-On
This proposal specifies the procedure for SMOV initial HV turn-on and
ramp-up of the COS FUV detector. (The FUV will have been commanded to
its Operate state to support execution of proposal 11353.) The procedure
is detailed in the Observing Description, but in summary, the following
is done: The initial transition from FUV Operate to HVLow is broken into
two parts, with a gap of 4 hours between turning on the HV and ramping
to the HVLow (SAA) voltage. This will be followed by 5 cycles of HV
ramp-up and return to HVLow. Cycles will ramp up to successively higher
(magnitude) voltage, with the fifth cycle going to the nominal operating
values. There will be a gap of at least 4 hours between cycles. All HV
ramp-up will be done at 10 sec per HV "step". The step rate and cycle
voltage values (for Segments A and B) must be patched in FSW in each
cycle prior to the HV ramp commanding. Memory monitors will be set on
the patched memory locations. Immediately after any HV commanding, and 4
hours after ramp-up commanding, the DCE memory will be dumped.
Immediately after HV ramp-up commanding higher than HVLow, short DARK &
WAVE exposures will be obtained. Visits 01 and 02, and all the
subsequent even numbered visits (the ones 4 hours after HV ramp-ups),
end with NSSC-1 COS event flag 3 being set. If the flag remains set,
subsequent FUV commanding will be skipped. Thus, Operations Requests
must be in place to clear the flag prior to those subsequent visits.
Real-time monitoring of the telemetry will be used to guide the
decisions whether or not to clear the flag. The final visit (13)
provides a scheduled final opportunity to clear flag 3, and if the flag
is cleared, initiates nominal FUV HV commanding and requests a DARK

SC 11362
Gyro/FHST Alignment
The purpose of this proposal is to calibrate the scale factors and
alignments of the gyros that are replaced during the Servicing Mission.

Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports
of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)
HSTARS: (None)
18522-0 - CU/SDF 27-Bit Command Test via ESM Ground Safing @ 166/1850z
18529-0 - TMDIAG SMAC20 Pointer Location @ 166/1901z
18530-0 - Perform NSSC1 H/W dump (Execution Failed) @ 166/1954z
18526-1 - CU/SDF-B Power Cycle @ 166/2000z
18524-3 - Ground Safing for ESM, ACS, NICMOS, COS, and STIS @ 166/2005z
18527-2 - WFC3 Safing (except UVIS TECs) @ 166/2045z
18532-0 - WFC3 controlled UVIS warmup @ 166/2324z
18533-0 - Disable WFC3 UVIS TECs @ 166/2326z
18535-0 - Configure UVIS window heater for safe mode after TEC warmup @ 166/2327z
18536-0 - Clearing SI PIT Toggle Safemode Counters/Flag @ 167/0014z
18538-0 - Disable SI Pit Interface @ 167/0046z
18537-6 - Recover SI C&DH to Normal Mode @ 167/0113z
18539-1 - Enable NSSC-1 HV Protect function @ 167/0317z

                      SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL
FGS GSAcq               7                    7                 
FGS REAcq               5                    5                
OBAD with Maneuver 8                    8           
Flash Reports:
-The SIC&DH was successfully recovered via power cycling the CU/SDF at ~
 166/19:56z. The CU/SDF was returned to the supervisory bus B and
 reply bus B configuration following the power cycle and all instruments
 were successfully safed at ~ 166/20:30z with nominal telemetry observed
 in fixed format.
-At 167/01:04z, SI C&DH-2 was successfully recovered to Normal Mode. 
-Ops Request 18537, executed at 167/00:14z, turned on the SI C&DH-2
 regulators, loaded the flight software, transitioned the NSSC-1 to
 Normal mode, patched the WFC3 safing table, and set the necessary WFC3
 and ACS event flags.
-At 167/03:17z, the CS High Voltage Protect function was re-enabled in the
 NSSC-1 per Ops Request 18539.