HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


DAILY REPORT       #4877


PERIOD COVERED: 5am June 29 - 5am June 30, 2009 (DOY 180/0900z-181/0900z)




COS 11482


FUV Detector Dark


Measure the FUV detector dark rate by taking long science exposures with

no light on the detector. The detector dark rate and spatial

distribution of counts will be compared to pre-launch data in order to

verify the nominal operation of the detector, and for use in the CalCOS

calibration pipeline. Variations of count rate as a function of orbital

position will be analyzed to find dependence of dark rate on proximity

to the SAA.


This is SMOV Activity COS-24.


STIS 11506


STIS ERO: Mapping the 3-D WInd Structure of Eta Carinae


These observations will help define the evolving 3-D structure of the

distorted wind from Eta Car and will be compared to 3-D wind-wind models

in order to define the fundamental parameters of the binary orbit and of

the stars themselves.


STIS07 11404


CCD Dark and Bias Monitor for SMOV4/Cycle 17 Activity STIS-07


Monitor the darks for the STIS CCD. Monitor the bias in the 1x1, 1x2,

2x1, and 2x2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1x1 at gain = 4, to build up

high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot columns.


WFC3 11424


WFC3 UVIS Initial Alignment


The corrector mechanism will be used to iteratively bring the UVIS

channel of WFC3 into alignment with the OTA using phase retrieval of

focus diverse star images over the field. Three visits are required;

corrector offsets will be uplinked after each visit via realtime



This proposal is activity id WFC3-11


WFC3 11446


WFC3 UVIS Dark Current, Readnoise, and CTE


This proposal obtains full-frame, four-amp readout bias and dark frames

at regularly-spaced intervals throughout SMOV in order to assess and

monitor dark current, bad (warm, hot, dead) pixels, and readnoise. . In

addition, a set of internals using the WFC3 calsystem are taken to

provide a baseline CTE measurement.




WFC3 11447


WFC3 IR Dark Current, Readnoise, and Background


This proposal obtains full-frame, four-amp readout images.

Un-illuminated internals are taken at regularly spaced intervals

throughout SMOV in order to assess and monitor readnoise and dark

current (of both light-sensitive pixels and reference pixels), and bad

(warm, hot, dead, variable) pixels. In addition, externals aimed at

fields with sparse stellar density are taken to measure diffuse

background light.


This program corresponds to WFC3-34.


WFC3 11808


WFC3 UVIS Bowtie Monitor


The UVIS detector was observed during ground testing to occasionally

exhibit flat field and dark variations with a bowtie pattern. These

variations are most significant as ~1% flat field (gain) variations

across the field of view. It is believed that this represents a state or

condition into which the detector can transition for reasons and under

circumstances which are not currently understood. It is also very

unlikely that most science observations will determine the state (bowtie

or no-bowtie) of the detector. Ground test data indicates that this

state is long lived (many hours to ~one day). Hysteresis or memory of

past light exposure is also associated with this state.


Recent evidence suggests that exposing the detector to ~200k to 500k

electrons may quench this state. This proposal obtains an internal flat

field sequence of three exposures: one at 10x full well with two at 0.5x

full well immediately before and after. Each exposure is 3x3 binned to

reduce the data volume required.


These visits should be scheduled 2x per day until further direction is





Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)



11902 - The GSAcq(1,3,3) scheduled at 180/10:37:14 failed at 10:44:22z

           due to search radius limit exceeded on FGS 1.


           Observations affected: ERR2 and ERR3 Proposal ID# 11446


HSTAR for DOY 176:

11903 - GSAcq(1,3,1) scheduled for 176/14:12:47z, had lost lock 3

           seconds after D4MRFGS went to SciInit at 176/14:17:57z.




18568-0 - LBBIAS Updates for Extended Gyro Guiding Intervals @ 180/1419z

18571-0 - LBBIAS Gyro Bias Update @ 180/1419z

18570-0 - WFC3 UVIS Corrector Adjustment (Visit 3) @ 180/1557z





                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL   

FGS GSAcq               6                     5 

FGS REAcq               8                     8                

OBAD with Maneuver 5                     5