HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science




PERIOD COVERED: 5am July 10 - 5am July 13, 2009 (DOY 191/0900z-194/0900z)




WFC3 11808


WFC3 UVIS Bowtie Monitor


The UVIS detector was observed during ground testing to occasionally

exhibit flat field and dark variations with a bowtie pattern. These

variations are most significant as ~1% flat field (gain) variations

across the field of view. It is believed that this represents a state or

condition into which the detector can transition for reasons and under

circumstances which are not currently understood. It is also very

unlikely that most science observations will determine the state (bowtie

or no-bowtie) of the detector. Ground test data indicates that this

state is long lived (many hours to ~one day). Hysteresis or memory of

past light exposure is also associated with this state.


Recent evidence suggests that exposing the detector to ~200k to 500k

electrons may quench this state. This proposal obtains an internal flat

field sequence of three exposures: one at 10x full well with two at 0.5x

full well immediately before and after. Each exposure is 3x3 binned to

reduce the data volume required.


These visits should be scheduled 2x per day until further direction is



FGS 11704


The Ages of Globular Clusters and the Population II Distance Scale


Globular clusters are the oldest objects in the universe whose age can

be accurately determined. The dominant error in globular cluster age

determinations is the uncertain Population II distance scale. We propose

to use FGS 1r to obtain parallaxes with an accuracy of 0.2

milliarcsecond for 9 main sequence stars with [Fe/H] < -1.5. This will

determine the absolute magnitude of these stars with accuracies of 0.04

to 0.06mag. This data will be used to determine the distance to 24

metal-poor globular clusters using main sequence fitting. These

distances (with errors of 0.05 mag) will be used to determine the ages

of globular clusters using the luminosity of the subgiant branch as an

age indicator. This will yield absolute ages with an accuracy 5%, about

a factor of two improvement over current estimates. Coupled with

existing parallaxes for more metal-rich stars, we will be able to

accurately determine the age for globular clusters over a wide range of

metallicities in order to study the early formation history of the Milky

Way and provide an independent estimate of the age of the universe.


The Hipparcos database contains only 1 star with [Fe/H] < -1.4 and an

absolute magnitude error less than 0.18 mag which is suitable for use in

main sequence fitting. Previous attempts at main sequence fitting to

metal-poor globular clusters have had to rely on theoretical

calibrations of the color of the main sequence. Our HST parallax program

will remove this source of possible systematic error and yield distances

to metal-poor globular clusters which are significantly more accurate

than possible with the current parallax data. The HST parallax data will

have errors which are 10 times smaller than the current parallax data.

Using the HST parallaxes, we will obtain main sequence fitting distances

to 11 globular clusters which contain over 500 RR Lyrae stars. This will

allow us to calibrate the absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae stars, a

commonly used Population II distance indicator.



COS 11469


COS NUV Optics Alignment and Focus


This program has stringent guide star and timing requirements. Refer to

the observing description section for complete details.


This program determines the fine focus using NUV MIRRORA exposures of

the same target as COS08 (program 11468 - COS to FGS Alignment (NUV)).

This program must


commence execution approximately 48 hours after completion of visit 1 of

COS08 and as soon as possible after the uplink in visit 2 of COS08.

Three fine focus visits are executed to establish on-orbit nominal

focus. Two detailed verification visits are executed after the three

focus-sweep visits. Approximately 48 hours after each odd-numbered visit

an uplink of new information is required.


ACS 11465


ACS CCD monitoring and calibration for WFC


This program is a smaller version of our routine CCD monitoring program,

designed to run throughout SMOV, after which our regular Cycle 17 CAL

proposal will begin. This program obtains the bias and dark frames

needed to generate reference files for calibrating science data, and

allows us to monitor detector noise and the growth of hot pixels.


WFC3 11447


WFC3 IR Dark Current, Readnoise, and Background


This proposal obtains full-frame, four-amp readout images.

Un-illuminated internals are taken at regularly spaced intervals

throughout SMOV in order to assess and monitor readnoise and dark

current (of both light-sensitive pixels and reference pixels), and bad

(warm, hot, dead, variable) pixels. In addition, externals aimed at

fields with sparse stellar density are taken to measure diffuse

background light.


This program corresponds to WFC3-34.


WFC3 11446


WFC3 UVIS Dark Current, Readnoise, and CTE


This proposal obtains full-frame, four-amp readout bias and dark frames

at regularly-spaced intervals throughout SMOV in order to assess and

monitor dark current, bad (warm, hot, dead) pixels, and readnoise. . In

addition, a set of internals using the WFC3 calsystem are taken to

provide a baseline CTE measurement.




WFC3 11434


WFC3 UVIS Fine Alignment


The corrector mechanism will be used to bring the UVIS channel of WFC3

into optimal alignment with the OTA using analysis of star images over

the field. Two visits are required; corrector offsets will be uplinked

after each visit via realtime command.


This proposal is activity id WFC3-21


WFC3 11432


UVIS Internal Flats


This proposal will be used to assess the stability of the flat field

structure for the UVIS detector. Flat fields will be obtained for all

filters using the internal D2 and Tungsten lamps.


This proposal corresponds to Activity Description ID WF19. It should

execute only after the following proposals have executed: WF08 - 11421

WF09 - 11422 WF11 - 11424 WF15 - 11428


STIS07 11404


CCD Dark and Bias Monitor for SMOV4/Cycle 17 Activity STIS-07


Monitor the darks for the STIS CCD. Monitor the bias in the 1x1, 1x2,

2x1, and 2x2 bin settings at gain=1, and 1x1 at gain = 4, to build up

high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot columns.


ACS 11398


UV Sensitivity, Geometric Distortion and Flat Field Verification for SBC


NGC604 is observed to provide a secondary check on UV sensitivity, and a

primary verification of geometric distortion and flat fields following

the similar calibrations done in ACS/CAL-10722. Exposures are obtained

on a 10x10 arcsec dither box, and the geometric distortion is

established using the previously available HRC calibration of this field

as a reference.


Internal flats using the deuterium lamp are obtained in the full suite

of SBC filters and the prisms, this follows from ACS/CAL-11052.


ACS 11374


CCD Flat Field Stability (Internal Tungsten Lamps)


The stability of the CCD flat fields will be investigated using the

internal tungsten calibration lamps and the standard filter subset

(F435W, F625W, F814W, and F850LP). High signal observations will be used

to assess the stability of the pixel-to-pixel flat field structure

(P-flat) and to verify the position of the dust motes. The stability of

the low-frequency flat fields (L-flats) will be assessed by comparing

internal exposures obtained just prior to the ACS failure in January

2007 and immediately following the ACS repair in August 2008. This is

activity number ACS-11.


ACS 11369


ACS CCD functional test for WFC


During the ACS Repair (ACS-R) conducted during Hubble Servicing Mission

4 (SM4), astronauts will install a CCD Electronics Box Replacement

(CEB-R) and Low-Voltage Power Supply Replacement (LVPS-R). A rudimentary

aliveness/functional test (AT/FT) will be conducted on-orbit during SM4.

Shortly after SM4, the more comprehensive CCD function test (FT) defined

in this program will be conducted as part of SMOV. This program is

modeled after the original CCD functional test (HST program 9005, PI

Mark Clampin) conducted following the initial installation of ACS during

Hubble Servicing Mission 3B.





Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports

of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated.)



11927 - Following successful real-time commanding OPS

           REQ#18609-2 (Transition from Suspend to Operate and Check MIE) STIS

           suspended during "Dump RAM section of MIE" real-time commanding. Status

           Buffer message, STIS 100 (MIE Jump to operate failed) parameter=100

           (octal) was received at 191/16:44:18.



18609-2 - Recover STIS from Suspend @ 191/1644z

18612-0 - WFC3 UVIS Corrector Adjustment @ 191/1905z

18613-0 - STIS Memory Dump after Suspend @ 191/2048z

18614-0 - GenSlew for proposal 11469 (slot # 5) @ 192/1507z

18615-0 - GenSlew for proposal 11469 (slot # 6) @ 192/1509z

18616-0 - GenSlew for proposal 11469 (slot # 1) @ 192/1511z

18617-0 - GenSlew for proposal 11469 (slot # 2) @ 192/1539z

18618-0 - GenSlew for proposal 11469 (slot # 3) @ 192/1541z

18619-0 - GenSlew for proposal 11469 (slot # 4) @ 192/1542z

18568-1 - LBBIAS Updates for extended Gyro Guiding Intervals @ 192/2230z

18620-1 - GenSlew for proposal 11492 (slot # 5) @ 193/1124z




                       SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL 

FGS GSAcq                21                  21                

FGS REAcq                07                  07           

OBAD with Maneuver  20                  20           




STIS Suspended during recovery attempt on July 10

During Ops. Request 18609 to recover STIS to Operate mode, STIS again

suspended due to a STIS STB 100 "Invalid CS FSW Mode for More than 10

Minor Frames". This occurred after STIS was transitioned from Suspend to

full Operate mode (mechanism and CEB). Error was reported during

attempted transfer of MIE RAM Memory to STIS CS Buffer RAM using macro

OMIE2RAM. Payload FSW, STScI and SI SE have started investigation.