NATO Press Release (2010)154                                                         12 November 2010                                                 

Secretary General’s Pre-Summit Press Conference



The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, will hold his monthly press conference during which he will elaborate on the upcoming NATO SUMMIT in Lisbon on MONDAY 15 NOVEMBER at 1400 hrs.


Media Advisory


14hoo             Monthly press conference by the Secretary General in LUNS Room

                        (NATO HQ)




- The press conference will be available on World feed via EBU Geneva and will be streamed live on NATO’s website.


- NATO photographers and cameramen will provide audio-visual products of the press conference on the NATO website or via the TV/Radio unit (see contact details below).




Journalists holding a valid permanent NATO media pass will have access as usual.  Media representatives not in possession of a valid NATO media pass and wishing to attend the event are invited to request accreditation directly at the main entrance of NATO, on 15 November, starting from 1200 hrs.  They will have to present an ID and a valid national press card.


Those media representatives not having a national press card are invited to send a signed letter from their editor to NATO Press and Media Service, not later than 15 November 0800 hrs (fax + 32 2 707 13 99); e-mail:



Points of contact:


Press arrangements and accreditation      Ms Alina Coca           Tel:  + 32 2 707 1465

General queries:                                           Front Office                Tel:  + 32 2 707 5041

TV and radio arrangements             TV and Radio Unit   Tel:  + 32 2 707 5003 or 1287


News and information is routinely placed on the NATO website. This includes audio files, transcripts and high resolution photographs, which are posted as soon as possible after events of media interest.


Nouvelles et informations sont régulièrement affichées sur le site Web de l'OTAN, sous la forme de fichiers audio, de transcriptions et de photographies destinées à la publication. Elles sont disponibles le plus rapidement possible après les événements présentant un intérêt pour les médias.


North Atlantic Treaty Organisation    Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord

Press & Media    Presse & Médias

B-1110 Bruxelles Belgique

E-mail:  – Tel.: 32 2 707 50 41 – Fax: 32 2 707 50 57 – Internet:


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