NATO Press Release (2010)161 (revised)                                                8 December 2010

Visit to NATO by Estonian  President Toomas Henrik Ilves



The President of Estonia, Mr. Toomas Henrik Ilves will visit NATO Headquarters on Thursday 9 December 2010.  He  will meet  the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen.


Media Advisory


16:15  hrs        President  Ilves and the NATO Secretary General jointly meet the press (Main Entrance)


The press point will be streamed live on NATO website. Pictures and video footage of the event will be available on the NATO website afterwards and on demand in broadcast quality.




Journalists wishing to cover the visit will be allowed into the NATO premises on presentation of a NATO accreditation pass or a valid press pass/letter from editor.  Media will be allowed to take positions at the Main Entrance starting from 15.00 hrs.


For further information


General queries:      Mrs Alina Coca, +32.2.707.14.65


Accreditation:           Mr Thomas Bellanger (phone:+32.2.707.14.31 – fax : +32.2.707.13.99 – email:



TV/Radio queries:     to receive a link to NATO TV ftp server, where b-roll from the event can be downloaded, please send an e-mail to




News and information is routinely placed on the NATO website. This includes audio files, transcripts and high resolution photographs, which are posted as soon as possible after events of media interest.


Nouvelles et informations sont régulièrement affichées sur le site Web de l'OTAN, sous la forme de fichiers audio, de transcriptions et de photographies destinées à la publication. Elles sont disponibles le plus rapidement possible après les événements présentant un intérêt pour les médias.


North Atlantic Treaty Organisation    Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord

Press & Media    Presse & Médias

B-1110 Bruxelles Belgique

E-mail:  – Tel.: 32 2 707 50 41 – Fax: 32 2 707 50 57 – Internet:


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