NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
07 Mar. 2011

Secretary General's monthly press briefing

Pre–ministerial briefing - Monday 7 March 2011

Press Release (2011) 026
Issued on 03 Mar. 2011
On 7 March 2011, the NATO Secretary General will hold his regular monthly press briefing during which he will talk about the upcoming Defense Ministers’ meeting of 10 and 11 March 2011.
14h00 Monthly press briefing by the Secretary General in the LUNS Room (NATO HQ).



  • The press conference will be available on World feed via EBU Geneva and will be streamed live on NATO’s website.
  • nATO photographers and cameramen will provide audio-visual products of the press conference on the NATO website or via the TV/Radio unit (see contact details below).


Journalists holding a valid permanent NATO media pass will have access as usual. Media representatives not in possession of a valid permanent NATO media pass and wishing to attend the event are invited to request accreditation directly at the main entrance of NATO, on 7 March, starting from 12h00. They will have to present an ID and a valid national press card.

Those media representatives not in possession of a valid national press card are invited to send a signed letter from their editor to NATO Press and Media Service, not later than 7 March, 10h00 (fax +32.2707.1399; email: ).

Points of contact

Press arrangements and accreditation

Mr. Damien Arnaud

Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 38

General Queries

Front Office

Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 41

TV and radio arrangements

Mrs Zornitza Venkova (for video on demand)
Jean Marc Lorgnier (technical aspects)

Tel: +32 (0)2 707 91 40

Tel. +32 (0)2 707 50 06


End of mail