NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
20 Apr. 2011

NATO advises civilians to avoid regime forces

Issued on 20 Apr. 2011
NAPLES – NATO air forces continue to degrade the Qadhafi regime's ability to harm civilians. Today we attacked ammunition bunkers used to supply troops, as well as tanks in the area of Misurata.

This campaign has been successful . We are seeing the results in reduced activity in  regime held areas. But Qadhafi forces continue to cause harm to civilians in the Misuratah and other areas” said Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard, Commander of Operation Unified Protector.

In the next few days, we will maintain the pressure on  regime front-line troops to show NATO is resolute in its determination to protect civilians . We will continue to strike at  regime forces as long as they continue to attack their own people,” he added.

Our planners and pilots go to very great lengths to ensure we do all we can to reduce the risk to civilians when we attack targets, but the risk cannot be reduced to zero,” said Lieutenant-General Bouchard .  “ Civilians can assist NATO by distancing themselves from Qadhafi regime forces and equipment whenever possible. Doing this will allow NATO to strike those forces and equipment with greater success and with the minimum risk to civilians.”


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