NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
04 May. 2011

Secretary General's monthly press briefing

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Press Release (2011) 052
Issued on 29 Apr. 2011
On 4 May 2011, the NATO Secretary General will hold his regular monthly press briefing, during which he will elaborate on the upcoming NATO-related events and developments.
14h30 Monthly press briefing by the Secretary General in the LUNS Room (NATO HQ).


  • The press conference will be available on World feed via EBU Geneva and will be streamed live on NATO’s website.
  • NATO photographers and cameramen will provide audio-visual products of the press conference on the NATO website or via the TV/Radio unit (see contact details below).


Journalists holding a valid permanent NATO media pass will have access as for a Ministerial Meeting. Media representatives not in possession of a valid permanent NATO media pass and wishing to attend the event are invited to request accreditation directly at the main entrance of NATO, on 4 May, starting from 12h30. They will have to present an ID and a valid national press card.

Those media representatives not in possession of a valid national press card are invited to send a signed letter from their editor to NATO Press and Media Service, not later than 4 May, 10h00 (fax +32.2707.1399; email: ).

Points of contact

Press arrangements and accreditation Mrs. Alina Coca Tel: +32 (0)2 707 14 65
General Queries Front Office Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 41
TV and radio arrangements Mrs Zornitza Venkova (for video on demand)
Serge Bosmans (technical aspects)
Tel: +32 (0)2 707 91 40

Tel. +32 (0)2 707 50 03

End of mail