NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
04 May. 2011 – 05 May. 2011

NATO and Partner Chiefs of Defence meet to discuss key military challenges

Brussels, 04 - 05 May 2011, NATO HQ

Issued on 02 May. 2011
Brussels – NATO’s Military Committee (MC) in Chiefs of Defence Staff (CHODs) session will meet at NATO HQ on 4th and 5th May 2011. Under the chairmanship of Adm. Giampaolo Di Paola, the highest military representatives of 54 countries will discuss in various formats the military evolution of NATO and NATO-led operations.

This key military meeting will assess progress of the Berlin Ministerial recommendations (April 2011), and will be instrumental to the Defence Ministerials discussions in June 2011.

For the first time since NATO took command and control of Operation Unified Protector in Libya, CHODs will have a chance to evaluate operational progress, together with NATO’s two Strategic Commanders Adm. Jim Stavridis (SACEUR) and Gen. Stéphane Abrial (SACT) and JFC Naples Commander Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III.

Regarding Afghanistan, focus will be on Transition and the long-term perspective for the country. Gen. David Petraeus (COMISAF) and the newly appointed NATO Senior Civilian Representative Amb. Simon Gass will update CHODs on key issues.

Furthermore, the NATO-Russia Council Military Representatives (NRC-MR) will meet to examine and deepen further ways to enhance military-to-military cooperation. Army Gen. Makarov and Adm. Di Paola will formally take the co-editorship of the approved NRC Consolidated Glossary of Cooperation. Media are invited to the presentation of this important tool which is the result of 10 years of diplomatic and military collaboration.

The MC will also meet in separate sessions with Ukraine and Georgia to take stock of the on-going transformation of these countries’ Armed Forces. Both countries are contributing to NATO and NATO-led operations.

More information about NATO’s Military Committee can be found at:,DanaInfo=.awxyCrfzvHrx4+ims

Media opportunities

Wednesday 4th May 2011
15.15h Joint Press Point with Admiral Di Paola and Army General Makarov on the occasion of the signing of the NATO-Russia Council Consolidated Glossary of Cooperation
Thursday 5th May 2011
07.25h Media Pool pick up in Press Area
07.45h MCCS + ISAF, Opening remarks by Admiral Di Paola.
13.45h 165th MCCS Concluding Press Conference with Admiral Di Paola, Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee (LUNS theatre)

Photos and video of all opening sessions will be available on-line at,DanaInfo=.awxyCrfzvHrx4+ims shortly after each meeting.


Journalists wishing to cover these opportunities will be able to access NATO HQ on presentation of a NATO accreditation pass or a valid press pass.


Point of contact for the Military Committee meetings:
Gen. Massimo Panizzi or Mr. Tom Monballiu
Tel:  +32 2 707 5983 / 7893

General press arrangements

Mrs. Karen Dehaes
Public Affairs Officer, IMS.
Tel:  +32 2 707 5423


Mr. Jean-Marc Lorgnier   
Tel: +32 2 707 5006


End of mail