NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
24 May. 2011

NATO strikes Pro- Qadhafi vehicle storage facility in Tripoli

Issued on 24 May. 2011
23 May 2011. Naples, Italy – Overnight a regime vehicle storage facility adjacent to the Bab Al Aziziyah complex in Tripoli was struck by NATO aircraft using a number of precision guided weapons. This facility is known to have been active during the initial regime suppression of the population in February 2011 and has remained so ever since; resupplying the regime forces that have been conducting attacks against innocent civilians.

“Qadhafi’s forces still represent a threat to civilians and we will continue to strike targets that carry out this violence,” said the Commander of Operation Unified Protector, Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard.

NATO aircraft strike with precision and care to minimise the risk of collateral damage to the fullest extent possible. NATO’s operation is being conducted under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which called for an immediate end to all attacks against civilians and authorized all necessary measures to protect the civilian population of Libya.


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