NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
01 Jun. 2011

Reminder for the press: Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers

Issued on 01 Jun. 2011

NATO Defence Ministers will meet at NATO Headquarters on Wednesday 08 and Thursday 09 June 2011.

Media representatives not in possession of a valid NATO permanent media pass who wish to cover the meeting must apply for accreditation. Applications for accreditation can only be made on-line via internet, by clicking on the following link:

Applications for accreditation must be submitted on line no later than 12h00 GMT on Monday 06 June 2011.

Requests received after that date are likely to be delayed or refused.

Media representatives who have submitted the request for accreditation via the internet are encouraged to bring a print-out of the request confirmation.

Late applications will not be taken into consideration for pool access.

Journalists in possession of a valid NATO permanent media pass do not need to request accreditation.


End of mail