NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
29 May. 2011

NATO strikes pro-Qadhafi ammunition storage facility in Waddan

Issued on 02 Jun. 2011
On 29 May 2011, NATO aircraft struck an ammunition storage facility in the vicinity of Waddan. This facility is known to have been active and in use by pro-Qadhafi forces in recent weeks and has played a part in resupplying those forces who are attacking innocent civilians.

Commander of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard said “Pro-Qadhafi  forces have been using ammunition from storage facilities such as this to launch attacks on the civilian population.  NATO will not tolerate the continuing attacks on the civilian population of Libya and will continue to strike necessary military facilities with precision.

NATO’s Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is being conducted under United Nations Security Resolution 1973.  This mandate authorizes NATO to use all necessary measures to protect the civilian population of Libya.


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