NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
07 Jun. 2011

Operational Media Update for 6 June 2011

NATO and Libya

Issued on 07 Jun. 2011

07 June. Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ
(more information:


NATO took control of all military operations for Libya under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 & 1973 on 31 March 2011. The aim of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under attack or threat of attack.

The mission consists of three elements: an arms embargo, a no-fly-zone and actions to protect civilians from attack or the threat of attack.

Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:

Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 08.00GMT) a total of 10020 sorties, including 3794 strike sorties*, have been conducted.

Sorties conducted 06 JUNE: 103
Strike sorties conducted 06 JUNE: 42


*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.

Key Hits
05 JUNE: In Tripoli: 1 Command & Control Facility. In the vicinity of Tripoli: 1 Surface-To-Air Missile Storage Facility, 2 Command & Control Nodes, 1 Vehicle Storage Facility, 4 Surface-To-Air Missile Launchers. In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 Mobile Command & Control Node.

Arms Embargo Activities
A total of 18 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
18 Vessels were hailed on 06 JUNE to determine destination and cargo. 2 boardings (no denials) were conducted.
A total of 1209 vessels have been hailed. 76 boardings and 8 denials have been conducted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.

International Humanitarian Assistance Movements as recorded by NATO
Total of Humanitarian Movements***: 332 (air, ground, maritime)
Ships delivering Humanitarian Assistance 06 JUNE: 4
Aircrafts delivering Humanitarian Assistance 06 JUNE: 1

***Some humanitarian movements cover several days.

Command and Control
NATO’s operational commander for Operation Unified Protector is Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard of the Canadian Air Force. His office and staff is located at the Allied Joint Force Command Naples.

For any operational query:
Naples Media and Information
Center tel: +39 081 721 31 11
Any other query:
NATO HQ Press Desk
+32 (0) 2 707 1010
+32 (0) 2 707 10 07
Mail to:

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