NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
12 Jun. 2011

NATO engages pro-Qadhafi forces on north-west coast of Libya

Issued on 12 Jun. 2011
NAPLES – Anti-Qadhafi sentiment is increasing in Libya as a growing number of Libyans demand the right to choose their own future. Along the north-west coast of Libya between Tripoli and the Tunisian border Libyans long tired of Qadhafi rule are challenging his legitimacy openly, and in doing so, are under threat of attack.

NATO is monitoring the situation closely and is taking necessary action to protect civilians. Earlier today east of Tripoli an armoured vehicle with anti-aircraft guns was struck as it moved to threaten civilians, other targets struck in the area included a multiple rocket launcher and an anti-aircraft weapon system.

In Misrata last night, precision-guided weapons were used to strike a technical vehicle, a tank, a multiple rocket launcher and an armoured vehicle.

“These types of equipment have been used to indiscriminately target the civilian population throughout Libya,” said Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard, Commander of Operation Unified Protector. “NATO will maintain the pressure on the Qadhafi regime and continue to take action to protect civilians wherever they are under threat of attack.”

NATO's Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is being conducted under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which calls for an immediate end to all attacks against civilians and authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in Libya.


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