NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
19 Jun. 2011

Allegations of civilian casualties in Tripoli on 19 June 2011

Issued on 19 Jun. 2011
Naples, Italy – NATO is looking into reports of civilian casualties following NATO air strikes in the early hours of June 19th.

The incident is said to have occurred in a residential area in northern Tripoli following a deliberate strike which targeted a missile site operated by pro-Qadhafi forces. NATO regrets any loss of civilian lives and is doing all it can to protect the people of Libya from the violence waged by the Qadhafi regime.

This campaign has conducted over 4,400 strike sorties. Every mission is planned and executed with precision and care with a high record of accuracy. We take all reports of civilian casualties very seriously and we will continue to look into the facts related to this event. NATO would be sorry if the review of this incident did indicate that it was caused by a NATO weapon.
NATO’s operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is being conducted under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. This mandate authorizes NATO to use all necessary measures to protect the civilian population of Libya. The Qadhafi regime could stop all this fighting by complying with the international community’s demands.


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