NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
22 Jun. 2011

Secretary General welcomes re-election of Ban Ki-moon as UN Secretary General

Press Release (2011) 075
Issued on 22 Jun. 2011
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen today welcomed the re-election of Ban Ki-moon for a second term as UN Secretary General.

"On behalf of the NATO Alliance I warmly welcome the re-election of Ban Ki-moon as United Nations Secretary General for a second five year term. Through his first term in office, I have come to respect Secretary Ban's leadership through the many challenges faced by the global community. NATO is, and will remain, a close partner to the United Nations in Afghanistan, in the Balkans, in the fight against piracy and, more recently, as citizens across the Middle East forge a new future for themselves and their children. The United Nations has a critical role to play in these historic events, and I am glad that Ban ki-Moon will be at the helm for another five years," said Rasmussen.


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