NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
17 Jul. 2011

NATO forces continue to remove threats against civilians

Issued on 17 Jul. 2011
NATO forces have continued to strike key command and control nodes, military supply facilities, armoured vehicles and military storage facilities across Libya.

NATO forces are monitoring the dynamic situation across the country, including around Brega, amid widespread reports of anti-Qadhafi forces pushing into the area.

Early this morning, NATO aircraft struck a large military vehicle storage area in Tajura, 30km east of Tripoli. The military facility consisted of several substantial warehouses, containing various military vehicles including battle tanks, armoured personnel carriers and ammunition.

This facility was clearly militarized for the purpose of supporting pro-Qadhafi forces and striking it has further degraded the regime’s capacity to launch attacks against civilians. NATO forces are keeping up the pressure and continue to strike military targets in areas across the country wherever civilians are threatened.

After extensive intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance monitoring showing pro-Qadhafi forces use of the site, NATO forces determined the military equipment deployed from this facility was used to resupply pro-Qadhafi forces launching attacks on civilians.

NATO's Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is being conducted under the United Nations Security Resolution 1973, which calls for an immediate end to all attacks against civilians and authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under the threat of attack in Libya.


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