NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
01 Sep. 2011

NATO Secretary General travels to Paris to attend the International Conference

Press Release (2011) 102
Issued on 31 Aug. 2011
NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen will be travelling to France this week.

He will attend the International Conference on Libya on Thursday 1 September 2011 in Paris. He will also meet with the President of France, Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, the Prime Minister, Mr. François Fillon, and the Foreign Minister, Mr. Alain Juppé.

During his stay in France, the NATO Secretary General will pay a visit to the base of the “Force Océanique Stratégique” on l’île Longue (Finistère) together with the Minister of Defence, Mr. Gérard Longuet.

Still and video images will be available from the NATO website after the event.

The Secretary General’s schedule is subject to change. For further information, please contact the NATO Press and Media Service in Brussels, Tel. + 32 2 707 50 41, fax: + 32 2 707 13 99


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