NATO Newsletter
NATO Newsletter
16 Sep. 2011 – 18 Sep. 2011

NATO Military Committee Conference

Sevilla, Spain - 16-18 September 2011

Issued on 12 Sep. 2011
Brussels – NATO’s Military Committee (MC), chaired by Adm. Giampaolo Di Paola, will meet in Chiefs of Defence Staff (CHODs) session from 16-18 September. The Chiefs of the Armed Forces of the 28 Nations of the Alliance will be hosted by the Spanish Chief of Defence, Air Force General Julio Rodríguez in the town of Sevilla. They will be joined by the two Strategic Commanders Adm. Jim Stavridis (SACEUR) and Gen. Stephan Abrial (SACT).

In addition to discussing future operational and transformational challenges attention will be given to the evolution of NATO’s operation (ISAF) in Afghanistan and to regional security. Gen. Kayani, Chief of the Pakistani Army Staff will join the Military Committee, while ISAF Commander Gen. Allen and NATO’s Senior Civilan Representative, Ambassador Gass, will participate in discussions by video-conference.

NATO CHODs will also examine lessons learned from Operation Unified Protector in Libya and potential strategic implications for the Alliance and the global security landscape in the aftermath of the “Arab Spring”. For the latter item two guest speakers are invited to join the debate: Dr. Ahmed A. Saif, a leading Arab academic from the Sheba Centre for Strategic Studies in Yemen and Mr. Robert Fisk, a renowned Middle-East expert and journalist with the UK Independent newspaper.

Media opportunities

Friday 16 September 2011
  • 12.00
    Welcome Ceremony with full Military Honours (Spain square)
  • 12.30
    Official photo
  • 14.30 – 14.45
    First session of the MC Conference, Opening Remarks by Admiral Di Paola, in presence of H.E. Ms. Carme Chacón, Spanish Minister of Defence (Hotel Barceló Renacimiento).
  • 18.45 – 19.15
    Military Committee and Spanish Armed Forces Spokespersons’s press Briefing (Hotel Barceló Renacimiento)
Saturday 17 September 2011
  • 17.15 – 17.45
    Final Press Conference with Admiral Di Paola and General Rodríguez, conference conclusions (Hotel Barceló Renacimiento)
Note for the media

The Media Centre and the Accreditation Centre are situated in
Hotel Barceló Renacimiento (Heliopolis lounge)
Avda de Alonso Alonso Barba, s/n. Isla de la Cartuja
41092 SEVILLA (Spain)

Point of contact for the joint media availability in Spain:
LtCol. Manuel Barrio, Public Affairs Advisor
+34 649 75 71 89 (cell) –
Spanish Chief Of Defense Public Affairs Office
+34 91 745 50 26 –

Points of contact for the Chairman of the Military Committee
Brig.General Massimo Panizzi, Public Affairs & StratCom Advisor
+32 475 75 75 61 (cell) –
Mr. Tom Monballiu, Public Affairs Officer
+32 473 921 900 (cell) –

Only accredited media will get press passes for the NATO Military Committee Conference in Sevilla, Spain. Requests for accreditation will only be processed electronically. The accreditation form must be filled out and submitted by 1400hrs, 15 September 2011. Forms delivered after this date may be refused. Press passes will be distributed on Friday, 16 September 2011 at 1030-1130hrs.

Media personnel participating in the conference must always have their passes visibly attached to them over the entire period of the conference. Security personnel will be allowed to check the identity of conference delegates and request additional ID documents to verify the identity of the media pass holders. We would like to inform the media personnel that security checks will be conducted separately prior to every media event. For this reason, media personnel are expected to come 20 minutes before the event.


End of mail